EucalyptusEssential Oil- 10ml/ .33 oz
Botanical Name:Eucalyptus globulus
Country of Origin:Australia
Parts Used:Leaves and Twigs
Extraction Method:Steam Distilled
Note Classification:Top
Aroma:Fresh, woody, camphoraceous
The word eucalyptus is derived from Greek meaning "well covered". This refers to part of the calyx that initially covers the flower. “Well covered” also refers to you being well covered with vapor rub when you’re sick just like momma taught you. Eucalyptus oil is one of the main constituents in vapor rub, and it works as a cough suppressant.
The “active ingredient” in eucalyptus is a chemical known as cineole, which is referenced over 1,200 times in scientific studies praising its medicinal properties including reducing inflammation and pain. In fact, eucalyptus oil is one of the main oils in the famous thieves blend designed to promote a healthy immune system.
Whether it’s stuffy nose due to allergies, or if you feel a cold coming on, diffusing some eucalyptus oil should open up those airways and promote some serious well-being. It just goes to show that just breathing in this powerful essential oil is your ticket to a good day.